Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Utter Frustration

Hey Folks! I think I need to vent for a second if thats ok. I have this friend, who shall remain unnamed. We got into a discussion about dating, and he started telling me about how all girls are just into money, success and status. I started to kinda fight it and he started bringing up 'scientific facts' about how he was right. I am usually not as forward with people, but I have told him just what I was thinking! He was telling me he hasn't dated in so long, and then he blames it on us girls?? Ok, I can think of like, 2 girls that would maybe, possibly be like that, and they aren't real people, just tv show stars and whatnot. I will not lie, money is an extra bonus, but I don't go around seeing who is rich and turning down the cute ones who are flat broke. I look for a good guy that will take care of me even if we are so poor we have to live in a shack. I look for love. I don't give a damn about money (sorry I swore), but if thats how guys think, there is something majorly wrong in the system. Arg it just made me so mad!!

What do you guys think about this???

Second item of venting :) Thanks for being patient, but its been sooooo much fun today! Don't you just love when customers come up and try to tell you your business when they are totally wrong? I keep getting customers who come and complain about my GIFT WRAP CHOICES. Seriously. I had this lady come up and immediatly say, "I hate all of them!" So, being the nice person I try to be, I brought out the old wrap she wanted and then she argued with me on the ribbon! It a purple ribbon, but she told me that she has been coming here for five years, and we have never had purple ribbon!! First off, we have only had that wrap for maybe a year, maybe less. Second, we have ALWAYS had purple ribbon on that wrap. So I started telling her about how we never have, and this lady starts freaking. So, the new girl cuts in and says how we are not supposed to change the ribbon, and the lady looks at me and says, "Well, at least some people are willing to help their customers nicely!" OOH I was so pissed I could have screamed. Afterwards, the new girl told me I was soooo rude to that customer when really I wasn't. It was so awesome, let me just tell you how happy the rest of my day went. It must not be my week or something!

Oh well, I'm just gonna change my attitude! Its the customer, not me. They don't control my feelings, I DO!!! I'm just hoping the good attitude stays :) Wish me luck!


Song of the Blog: I Was Made To Love You by Toby Mac, its just so gooooood! Here is the music vid :)


Laundry said...

oh my heck! k.. I married a guy that was and still is dirt broke! MARRIED HIM!!! so obviously it wasn't for the money... also... my husband isn't the world's best looking guy... cause the world isn't married to him!!! I AM! third... Even my husband will admit guys are stupid sometimes, just like I admit girls are stupid sometimes (or in my case brats during some time in the month.. but that's besides the point!) everyone has their own thing and their own issues.

So maybe it is the girls.. THE GIRLS HE CHOOSES TO LIKE! see, what it boils down to.. is him. he makes the decision to like a girl, to date a girl.. and to take interest in a girl.. girls have the same chose with guys.. they pick who to like they pick who they like and they pick who they are interested in! so he really shouldn't be complaining!
grr.... you should tell him off for me cause just hearing about this made me mad... sorry scav.

Savan said...

Its ok, haha I was super pissed when he started pulling that on me!! Don't worry, I gave it to him! He can't blame his not dating on girls! So, its totally ok :) I was quite upset myself, but I'm glad that you agree with me!!

Lala said...

Don't you just LOVE customer service?! Lol, I'm pretty sure there is no way you could have been rude to that lady so I'm pretty sure she was just a bitch and so is that new girl. Oh, and if you're digging the oldies music, give Nina Simone a listen. I kinda love her, even though she kinda sounds like a man. LOL