Thursday, May 27, 2010

3 months folks!

Let me just tell you guys that this next three months are going to be very interesting. I'm not excited for it to come because my bestest friend and brother Skyler is leaving me on his mission to Brazil, but, I have a missionary coming home that same month, so it will be quite a thrill to see how things unfold.
In a way, I hope it goes by fast, because I don't know how I can handle life anymore haha. I also hope that it goes slow, because I am going to miss Skyler sooooooo much!! Meh.

I just wanted to vent to someone about a bit of my worries, thanks for listening :)

Song of the Blog: Dream a Little Dream, once again, love this song, and all 4 versions I own. Just listen to one, doesn't matter which one. You could pick the Glee Version, Louis Armstrong, Dean Martin or The Mamas and The Papas, or all of them, whatever works. Get the song or go to Youtube and look it up. Once you find a good version, let it play and just sit there and close your eyes and just listen. Thats the best way to listen to music anytime, especially when you are having a bad day or something.



Laundry said...

love the picture! :)

Savan said...

Haha thanks its like the best ever right?