Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sooo I have been thinking...

Weird I know!! Haha totally kidding :)

Seriously though, the question I have been thinking about a lot lately is this. Who comes up with when holidays are? Like, who decides that Easter is the 4th of April this year? Seriously you guys this is a legit question and I want answers!! Its too late right now for me to look it up myself, so if you guys get the chance you should look it up and let me know? Its a matter of life and death, for realsies!!

Sooo, I haven't been up to much lately, just working a lot and being awesome, those two take up a lot of my time, so I stay pretty busy :D.
How are you guys doing? Any new romances in you single ladies lives? Do tell I love when people are in love, it makes me happy for them!!

Anyway, have a good night, sleep tight!!

Song of the Blog: The Girl Got Hot by Weezer. Its such a funny song! Its about the singer seeing a girl he knew back in junior high school and she got hot since then, its pretty funny, and it has a good beat I do love it!!

P.S. I want this!


Lala said...

Pah ha ha, you crack me up Sassafras. I'll put you out of your misery cause i'm just awesome like that.

Easter falls on the Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring.

Freaking confusing I know but the reason it's based on the lunar calendar is because when the catholic church was trying to convert the pagans they tried to correlate the pagan holidays with catholic holidays so we celebrate Christ's resurrection (Easter) at the same time the pagan's used to celebrate the coming of spring. It's the same deal with Christmas.

Hope that helps :)

Laundry said...

they go by the moon actually. the first full moon after the first day of spring. well... kinda. the sunday after that. cause easter is always on a sunday.