Monday, February 8, 2010

Valumtimes Day!

Well, its almost here, the day that people in love celebrate their love... I have decided, as a single person, I need to do something to celebrate myself! I don't need a boy to make me feel good on Valentines, even though it would be nice, when its right, it will happen the way its supposed to.
Anyway, those of you who are single, celebrate YOU!! You are beautiful, funny, fun to be with, and you deserve to indulge yourself on Valentines (or the day before, since its on a Sunday this year.) Buy yourself something you have been wanting for a while, take yourself out to somewhere nice with a friend or even by yourself, like a spa!
Just because you are single does NOT mean you are not beautiful! It just means that someone either hasn't come around or he hasn't seen all the amazing-ness you are!!

Ladies, have a good Valentimes even if you are single, in fact, have a good Valentines BECAUSE you are single!! I know I will!!!


Laundry said...

there's a song that could totally fit that! for the most part anyway. it's called what makes you different makes you beautiful. It's my favorite song because it isn't about the looks of a girl, it's about all the little things that make them beautiful. And my favorite part is that they are now using the song for a commercial that totally fits! :) The song is on my blog if you wanna check it out. it's the first song on my playlist.

Becca said...

I love this post, it's very true! Go celebrate you! I love it.