Thursday, February 11, 2010

I decided,,,

I decided I need to make my blog about something. Since I am single and cannot blog about my married or dating life, I need something! So, I decided, even if my blog post is completely random and makes no sense, I will have a new song I'm digging every time that you can listen to!!

Well, I am thinking about getting another job, working Sundays just does not work for me! I really love my church, and I would like to feel like I wasn't turning inactive. I applied at a doctors office that would give me good hours, I would LOVE it! I know, I know, you are all thinking that I'm silly because I haven't even talked to the boss yet, but an doctors office or a bank job would be nice, I could work certain hours, have weekends and holidays off... So if any of you know such a place that is hiring, let me know!!!

Also, my rolling alarm clock is proving to not work too well! Correction, it works really well, it rolls all over my floor, I just don't have the willpower to actually wake up completely! I really, really, really like my sleep! In fact, its 1:23 right now and I am sitting here wondering what in the heck I'm still doing awake?? I need to stop staying up for no reason hahaha.

This is equivelent to how I feel about my alarm clock... Fortunately for my alarm clock, I don't actually own a gun, and probably never will! Phew!!

Well, I suppose I will go to bed now, I am feeling a wee bit on the tired side!!!! If any of you wonder where I get my pictures, I go to, its an awesome website with tons of fun pictures, but some really inappropriate ones... So you have to be carful :( Stupid people who ruin awesome websites with stupid pictures >:( Thats my mad face!

Song of the day: Spaceman by The Killers( its the first song you hear when you get on my blog!! I cant stop listening to it, its so high energy!! I love a song that gets me going for the whole day!!!)

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