Thursday, March 11, 2010



Allergy season is here!! Muuuah!! Its quite tragic you guys!

My allergy shots are currently in the process of working, so I can still feel the effects.

Its ok tho :)
I have the day off tomorrow so it will be super amazing!

How are you guys doing? Are you guys surviving life??

Do you know what I decided? I decided life is a lot better when you smile :) I mean, even if you are not happy at all and have had a really crappy day, smiling can actually improve your day and also everyone else's! Sometimes people depend on your smile. Its true, I have noticed that sometimes when I'm having a crappy day, people comment on it a lot!! They always say, "Savannah, you are not your usual self!"

So, even when I feel like crap, I try to smile! You guys should try it :)

Song of the Blog: Swing Life Away by Rise Against. Its a totally different song compared to all of their other stuff, but it reminds me of high school, people always played it in the high school assemblies! '07!!!


Tyson and Emily said...

Savannah...I hope you don't think I'm a freak...p.s. it's emily...from way back when in the NO 17th ward. Anyways back to the subject at hand I was randomly going through blogs and I found're a hoot!! :) How is life going for you?!

Savan said...

Awwww :) I don't think you are a freak!! Good to hear from you, glad you like my blog! I'm doing pretty well, I'm just living at home and working at dillards, Woo!!! How are you? How is the married life??