Thursday, June 10, 2010


So, its been like a week... Yeah... about that... I'm sorry!!!!

There was like a 3 or 4 day period where I didn't feel like pulling my laptop out from under my bed, so I didn't, therefore, I didn't blog. Yeah... Lame, I know! So anyway, what have you guys been up to? Any big news or big happenings??

Lets go over my day :) I got paid yesterday, well, Wednesday, its like 12:08 now, but anyway, I have been having issues with my car, and so now I am totally broke. Seriously right?! Part of it I was expecting, but the first time I fixed my car it was a hose that had a hole in it, and I didn't want my car to blow up, ya know? It was super fun, so then today I had to get my brakes fixed, it was just a party!! So, yeah :)

Thats about the gist of my day I suppose, besides the fact that Miranda and I went on a walk at like 10:30 with a foam sword and a plastic lightsaber. We were not really put in danger, but if we had been, we would have squandered the foe!! We basically have mad skills!

I decided I need to get a good hobby, I don't really do much of anything anymore, and its making me rethink things, this is gonna be a good summer, I know it! What do you guys like to do for fun that gets you out meeting people?? I also decided I'm finally gonna start saving for school, Mary at work told me how she did it, and, it might be hard, and I might not be able to step foot in the mall on my lunch breaks, but I bet I could do it!

Let me clear something up for you guys though, I'm not lazy!!! I work a lot, and so when I'm off I just kinda sit at home like, 'hmmm, what do I do?' So, I am gonna start doing more!! I'm gonna get in shape as it gets nicer, I have to for when I go to California in like two weeks, gotta look good in my swimsuit! Ah!

Ok, my brain is running on like 3 different tracks now, I'm super tired, if you couldn't tell :)

I'm gonna head to bed, so goodnight!!! :)

Song of the Blog: ummm... Survive by Rise Against. I have been listening to R.A. lately because I'm tired of all the cd's in my car, so I put in a random cd and Rise Against was what won so thats what I have stuck in my head!! I like these guys, sometimes they are so angry though, so;

A happy Song of the Blog: You Make Me Feel Like Dancin by Leo Sayer!! AH I love this song! I especially love the guitar in the song, its all just so catchy!!


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