Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well, I had today off, and once again, I did nothing!! Woooooo!!!
Its no big deal really :)

Haha seriously though, when I'm off I just don't know what to do with my life!? Its super weird! I should have done the rest of my massive life-sucking pile of laundry, yes its that bad, and, I should have gotten my brakes done, but I found out its gonna be a lot more than we originally thought... I was also planning on making this fancy 4 cheese mac' and cheese, it was super fancy, but I didn't. I couldn't find the recipe when I went to the store... So, the only thing I did that I planned was get my shots. They hurt really bad today though :( I think I reacted a bit more this time, so the place where I got my shots is really sensitive :/

Thats fine, I really just hung out and couldn't figure out what to do, even though I had plenty haha, one of those days!!

What do you guys do on your days off??

Song of the Blog: Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen!! I love these guys and this is one of my brothers fav Queen songs!

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