Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So my fingernails are grown out.. Its kinda weird, not going to lie! I'm so used to biting my nails, I have since I was six! I first tried to stop when I was dating my ex, and I did, but when we broke up I started again. I have finally stopped(mostly), but its kind of strange, I'm not really used to having long natural nails, I don't know how to deal with them! Do you guys have any weird habits you had to get rid of? How did you do it?

I am basically broke trying to save for my California vacation right now!! Its gonna be so worth it!! I cannot wait to see my girlies! :D

My allergies have been bugging me a lot today, its not very fun! How about you guys?? Anything? Well, I don't really have much to say today, but have a good day!!
Pah ha ha I rhymed! Unintentional.

Song of the Blog: Wednesday by Crash Kings! I really like these guys, the singer has a unique voice that I love!! You guys should just listen to all of their album! Do it, I dare ya!!

1 comment:

Becca said...

What?? You stopped biting your nails? I can't imagine a Savannah with long nails haha good job!