Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well, its June first people!! JUNE FIRST!! Isn't it usually warm and semi-nice right around this time of year? I don't mean to complain, because we really need the water, and I don't mind the rain, and, I guess I'm at work all day anyway, so really, this long run-on sentence was pointless... Hmmm..

I'm a little tired I guess?? So guess what happened today!? Well, technically, last night!! I had the weirdest dream about some random guy I work with, and I forgot about it until he came up to get change from me, and it was so awkward, because he wouldn't go away!! He just kept talking haha, it was so weird!! Have you guys ever had that happen?? What happened??

So I don't really have that much going on lately, just working a lot, which is ok I suppose. I did some laundry, which is nice. I have clean socks!! :D

So I know a girl at work whose now ex boyfriend is a total jerk! I won't go into details, but I made her chocolate covered cinnamon bears, because I remember when I broke up with my ex and was having a hard time, my best friends helped out and one made me like 5 pounds of that wonderful-ness. I made a lot, so I took the extras with me to share with the other girls I work with. It was so funny though because this older lady I work with was utterly amazed with them!! She looked at me like I had invented something that would change the world! I wish I could say I invented them, but someone already holds that blessed title.

Anyway, she was so excited when I told her I made them that she offered to bring me chocolate and cinnamon bears so I could make her some. I tried to tell her that they are avalible at any grocery store. Haha, so I suppose when she brings the stuff, I will be making more chocolate covered cinnamon bears. Thats fine! For those of you who have not experienced this heavenly treat, STOP READING MY BLOG AND BUY SOME!! Kidding, this is almost over, read the rest and THEN go buy some!! K deal???


Song of the Blog: Closer by Kings of Leon. I really like this song!! The stuff from their older album is better than their newest album, which is really popular. Well, there are only like two songs that people hear, but I LOVE their older albums, especially 'Aha Shake Heartbreak' and well, I like all of it, I lied!! They are just so good and coming to concert July 19th!! Hoping I can make it!!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I concur! I ♥ chocolate covered cinnamon bears! They are so DELISH! =)