Thursday, January 28, 2010

Same thing???

Currently, my favorite TV show is called Psych. Its so funny, and Shawn Spencer, the main character, is so funny and witty!! I also have been really into Sherlock Holmes, he is so smart!! I started reading a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, and it hit me, maybe the makers of Psych got the idea from Sherlock!? Here is how its similar:
Shawn Spencer was raised by his dad to be extremely observant, and because the cops didnt understand how he could solve a crime by just seeing things on TV, he told them he was a Psychic. He can look at a room and tell you what happened!
Sherlock Holmes is just like that! In one story, they walk into a room where there is a body, and just by looking around in the room, he can tell that the killer was a redhead, tall, wore square tipped shoes and had a limp.
Next, Watson! In Psych, Shawn's best friend and his partner in crime is Gus. He is a pharmecutical representative, so he deals with medicines and if he can tell what someone has been given or taken, he is a modern day Watson!
Watson, on the other hand, he was a doctor, and could tell different chemicals from each other, he was a big help to Sherlock Holmes because he was a doctor.
The last similarity I can see is Detective Lassiter. There is a cop in Sherlock Holmes, I can't remember his name, but he is very hesitant of Sherlock's ability, which, in this spot, would be detective Lassiter, he doesnt believe Shawn's ability until he is proved wrong!!

That, my friends is why I think the idea of Psych came from Sherlock Holmes... Also, if you like a good laugh, I really recomend watching Psych! Its so funny, and its very interesting to see what Shawn is capable of! There is a blog you can go to that has all the episodes, its awesome! The site is
I really recommend this show!!!

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