Monday, July 12, 2010

ONE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes!! This is my 100th blog post!! You would think that because I have had this blog for like almost 4 years I would have passed this point by now!! Its ok, I'm still super excited!!! Woooo!!!

Ok, so, as promised, here is my:


10- Hulk

I liked this movie, but thats about it. Hulk is able to become super strong and everything but he has no control over himself. Thats why he is number 10!

9- Green Lantern

The Green Lantern is a society of heros that protect earth, they are mostly not human, except for one, his name is Hal! They wear rings that give them powers to protect the world, go Green Lantern!

8- Thor

Thor was born of the Gods. He was training to get the Hammer his father has to keep justice, but he couldn't pick up the hammer. His best friend got kidnapped so he finally picked up the hammer and now protects the world! Woo!!

7- Captain America

I'm not gonna lie, I can't really remember to much about him. He was a World War Two soldier that they put some sort of stuff in his body that made him sort of a super soldier. He has super strength but his sheild is in Iron Man 2 and Captain America has a movie coming out next year!!

6- Wonder Woman

Can I just say, Wonder Woman is probably the coolest woman superhero! She has a lasso of justice. And she is a WOMAN!! Woot!!

5- Flash

I only really think of Flash because of my old roommate Ashley! We used to call her Flash. Anyway, one reason I like Flash is because he runs really fast, and, one of my favorite bands in the world, Queen, sings his theme song!! Its called Flash, look it up :)

4- Hurcules!

Ok, he isn't really a superhero, he is a God. But still, I think he is pretty cool, he has super strength and he is a legit hero!! Bam!

3- Batman!

Ok... He is freaking awesome!!! Rich guy who has unlimited access to all the weapons in the world and uses them! I love him!

2- Sherlock Holmes!

Ok, he isn't a super hero, but he is super awesome!!! I LOVE Sherlock Holmes! He is so observant and smart and can figure out anything!!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE SUPERMAN!! He can do anything really.... Don't doubt him because he will shoot you with his laser eyes or take you to an abandoned island, or space!!!

Thats my top ten!!! Sorry its kinda quick, I don't have much time to do this so I'm doing what I can :)

Song of the Blog: Going the Distance by Cake. I can officially rap the whole song, yes, be jealous!

PS Guess who turns 21 soon??!!?!? Woot!!


Unknown said...

Ha. Nice choice. but for the Record, the Queen song "flash" is for the movie Flash Gordon.

Hercules. Not Hurcules. Cmon girl. ;)

And going the distance is a great song.

Also, i still love you. Just FYI

Unknown said...
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Savan said...

Haha Oh Dart :) I don't have my own computer anymore so its hard to write a long blog like that, I had to hurry, and I couldn't think of all the superheros I loved! Sorry I put Hercules on there, one day when I have my own computer I'll make a new and improved list!! Haha I still like the Queen song and The Cake song!!! Lol love you too Dart!!