Sunday, June 22, 2008

Well.... I guess I will start here?

Well, I told myself I would never get a blog, I mean, what is the point for a single girl to get one? I always thought it was just married people who got them. But as I sat here in my room, I decided to try it out... I don't exactly know how i feel about it yet, its no myspace, or even facebook!! So, I guess I will give this a try- hopefully it works, right??

Hmmm, I suppose I could start by telling a little bit about myself. My name is Savannah Fielding and I live in Orem, Utah. Its pretty cool, I love it here!! Im a bit bummed at the moment though because my 2 best friends are moving for the fall to Denver, Colorado, just for the fun of it. Honestly, I would much rather Have them stay here with me, they would have so much more fun with me here... I guess there isn't much I can do or say about it now, seeing as they are set to move end of August. I hope I get good new roommates, I really scored with the ones I have now, i dont know if it is possible for me to do that well roommate-wise twice in a row. I hope so... I really do

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