Monday, October 17, 2011

No Internet!!

Well, as the title says, we have no Internet, thus making it hard to blog! Until now! I found a blogger app on my iPhone, so now I can blog again! Hooray! Well, since my last post, we moved again! We moved to our own little apartment in Ogden, it's very cute and I love being on our own!! We aren't too far from families and Wal-Mart is right next door! I love being here and having our own privacy, it's been nice :)

Here is a sneak peek of our apartment! It's not quite where I want it to be yet but it's getting there!!

I'm not taking a picture of our bedroom because it's the room with the least amount done to it haha! Will I eventually? Yes!!

Until next time!!
Song of the blog: Abbie Martin by Joshua James. It's such a pretty song and I love it so much!!

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