Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well, Skyler is officially in Brasil! He left yesterday at 12:45 in the afternoon for Texas and landed at 3:30 our time. He had a 3 hour layover in which time he called us and talked for quite some time!!! It was probably about 45 minutes!!! It was awesome, I can't believe he is out there!!

Let me explain how he found out he was leaving! He was in class, and someone came over the intercom and asked if Skyler Fielding was in the class. He said everyone just got really quiet and looked at him. After a minute of silence the lady said, "Its nothing bad, I just need him to come to the travel office!" So he went and found out his Visa got approved!! So he called and let us know he was leaving and talked to us for a while. So then he left!! Its been crazy, he just loves missionary life, he is getting used to it. I just love him so much!!! My brother is awesome!!!

Song of the Blog: Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel!! I have been really into these guys they are awesome!!


Suzy said...

AWESOME! Can you let me know when you find out his address? :)

Savan said...

Oh I will!!! Haha he took his mission call with him and it had his address in it so we are waiting for him to email us with the address!!